
Authors, we welcome your submissions, whether you have an agent or not. Please read this page carefully as we follow a non-traditional approach that depends on prompt communication.

We will open to submissions on May 20, 2024


How to Submit

We release query spots every week based on our availability. This ensures that our staff maintains a balanced workload, and therefore that we can reply in a timely manner to every single query. This is how we can predict and plan our workload and respect your time as well.

(You’ll see our calendar for query submissions below. We rotate the timing of when we release query spots, to account for writers in different time zones or with different work schedules. Note that when you click on an available date, it will show a time of 11:59pm. This is not indicative of the time when we will read your query. We will read your query and respond to it by the end of the workday on that week’s Friday.)

  • You may click on the Tuesday of a query week any time that week (Mon-Tues) once the link is live. You do not need to wait until Tuesday.

  • When you book a spot, you’ll receive a private link to upload your query letter and your writing sample of the first 10 pages of your manuscript–which you must do by 11:59pm that Tuesday, regardless of which date you chose in that week. Please do not share this link with anyone. If we find that anyone other than you has used this link, we will not consider that person’s work, or yours at any point in time.

  • By the Friday of that query week, you will receive a response.

  • If we wish to see more work from you, we will let you know on that Friday.

  • At the same time, we will provide a clear overview of how we work and ask you to agree to our process.

  • You will be required to send in your requested manuscript by that very next Monday. Please do not send us your query if you are not ready to send a manuscript by then.

Please only book a spot when you are ready to submit your query. We will not hold spots. 

If you have extenuating circumstances that we should be aware of, please email us at

What we are looking for:


Fiction, creative non-fiction, and memoir. This includes short story collections. We are not looking for specific genres because part of our mission is to publish work that does not fit neatly into existing categories. That said, if you consider your work erotica, purely romance, or purely science-fiction, Galiot Press is not the right house for you. We are also not currently looking for children’s lit, YA, or graphic lit.

Who can submit:


Authors or agents. You do not need to be agented, but you do need to have honed your craft as much as possible, had your work read by beta readers beyond members of your family, revised as much as you possibly could, and truly believe it is your best.

What your query should include: 


A one-page query letter or pitch and the first 10 pages of your manuscript in Word or PDF, in 12 point font, double-spaced, with standard 1-inch margins.

Next Query-Submission Periods

Each query period will go live as listed. Opening times rotate to accommodate different schedules, but are always listed as Eastern Time (Boston, US).

Monday May 20 – 6:00 am ET

Monday May 27 – 12 noon ET

Monday June 3 – 7:00 pm ET

Monday June 10 – 12 noon ET



Can I submit poetry? What about children’s books or YA?

No, at this time we are not accepting poetry, children’s books, or YA.

Can I submit a sample that is not from the beginning of my manuscript?

No. Please submit the first 10 pages.

If I met a Galiot editor at a conference, do I get priority?

No. You must sign up for a spot using our booking system. We strive to be equitable and accessible, and not offer preferential treatment to those with the means to pay for conferences or other events. That said, if you have met us in person, please feel free to mention that in your query.

If I’ve taken a Galiot class or workshop, do I get a query spot?

Not automatically. You must sign up for a spot using our booking system, even if you have taken a Galiot class or workshop.

Can I send a physical, printed sample?

No. Please submit the first 10 pages electronically.

If I’ve reserved a spot but then can’t submit my query in time, how do I reschedule it?

You will only reserve a spot when you are ready to submit your query letter and sample pages.

Can I submit a PDF file?

Yes. You may submit either PDF or Word files. If you don’t have Microsoft Word, you can still create a Word file through Google Docs.

Reserve your spot

We welcome your submissions, whether you have an agent or not. Before reserving your spot, please read our Reserve Your Spot page carefully as we follow a non-traditional approach that depends on prompt communication from both our side and yours.

Submit right away to get the process started!